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Insect Family Diversity Collection 
Looking to expand your reference collection for personal, university, or museum use? Look no further! The BioQuipBugs Family Diversity Collection is an excellent way to create a teaching collection focused on insect taxonomy. This collection is perfect for teaching, referencing, or displaying the immense diversity insects are known for. There is nothing like this collection available for sale anywhere else in the world as it has only been made possible thanks to the decades of professional entomologists contributing to the diversity that the BioQuipBugs collection holds today.
Insects without a doubt are the most diverse animal group on the planet. Like most family trees, things can get confusing, especially with the insect family tree being especially diverse in morphological form and number of species. Over the millions of years that insects have evolved into the species we know today, their diversity in form and lifestyle has filled countless ecological niches. To better communicate the diversity around us, taxonomists have classified insects into families based upon shared ancestry and unique morphological traits.
The hundreds of insect families presently recognized are a great reference for the millions of years of success these animals have achieved. Some of the most diverse orders of insects are Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), Coleoptera (beetles), Diptera (flies), Hymenoptera (ants, bees, and wasps), and Hemiptera (true bugs). Coleoptera alone holds 168 families with at least 400,000 species currently recognized!
Collections are available, on a “per insect order” basis (with one representative from each family we have available from that order) or as an “Institutional Diversity Collection” with 1 representative from every insect family BioQuipBugs has to offer!
Here you can find the lists of what families are included within the various collections offered.
- Coleoptera (beetles): 94 families
- Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths): 49 families
- Diptera (flies): 57 families
- Hymenoptera (ants, bees, and wasps): 32 families
- Hemiptera (true bugs): 67 families
- Minor Orders (grasshoppers, phasmids, lacewings, lice, etc.): 99 families
Institutional Diversity Collection
ALL Insect Families Available within the BioQuipBugs Collection: 398 families
Included specimens will range in quality from A1 to A-, with most falling within the A1- quality range.
Origin | Worldwide |
$275.00 – $8,710.00