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Entomology Books

Emperor Moths of South and South Central Africa

Entomología Práctica: Una guia para el estudio de los insectos con importancia agropecuaria, médica, forestal y ecológia de México

Entomological Techniques, How to Work with Insects

Entomology & Death: A Procedural Guide (2nd Edition)

Erycinidae-Seitz (Illustrated) [=Riodinidae] Pars II, Fauna americana I

Escarabajos: 200 Millones de Años de Evolución

Experiments on the Generation of Insects

Grasshoppers and Mantids of the World

Guia para Reconocer los Coleopteros de Chile continental

HELICONIUS and related genera, Lepidoptera Nymphalidae: The Genera Euneides, Neruda and Heliconius

Horned Beetles

How to Know the Aquatic Insects

How to Know the Butterflies

How to Know the Grasshoppers, Cockroaches and Their Allies

How to Know the Insects

How to Know the Mites and Ticks

How to Know the Trees (3rd Edition)

How to Know the True Bugs

Hymenoptera of America North of Mexico

Insect Life in the Tropics

Insectes et papillons des Antilles (French Edition)

Insectes Lépidoptères Papilionidae (Faune de Madagascar XXVII)

Insects of an Amazon Forest

Insects of East Africa

Insects of Southern Africa

Insects, Injurious to Fruits

Jewel Beetles of Western Australia

Jewel Beetles, Endless Collection Series Vol. 2

Les Attacidae Americains / The Attacidae of America (= Saturniidae) * ATTACINAE

Les Attacidae Americains / The Attacidae of America (= Saturniidae) ** ARSENURINAE

Les Coleopteres du monde (The beetles of the world): Volume 21: Prioninae 1

Les Coleopteres Du Monde / The Beetles of the World / Die Käfer der Welt, Volume 2: Batocerini (Part 2)

Les Coleopteres Du Monde / The Beetles of the World / Die Käfer Der Welt, Volume 3: Goliathini (Part 1)

Les Coleopteres Du Monde / The Beetles of the World / Die Käfer Der Welt, Volume 4: Odontolabini (Part 1)

Les Coleopteres Du Monde / The Beetles of the World, Volume 1: Batocerini (Part 1) Batocera

Les Coleopteres Du Monde / The Beetles of the World, Volume 11: Goliathini (Part 4)

Les Coleopteres Du Monde / The Beetles of the World, Volume 14: Dynastidae Américains Cyclocephalini, Agaocephalini, Pentodontini, Oryctini, Phileurini

Les Coleopteres Du Monde / The Beetles of the World, Volume 16: Chrysochroini (Part 1) Chrysochroa s.str.

Les Coleopteres Du Monde / The Beetles of the World, Volume 4: Odontolabini (Part 1)

Les Coleopteres Du Monde / The Beetles of the World, Volume 5: Dynastini (Part 1) Dynastes, Megasoma, Golofa

Les Coleopteres Du Monde / The Beetles of the World, Volume 5: Dynastini (Part 1) Dynastes, Megasoma, Golofa

Les Coleopteres Du Monde / The Beetles of the World, Volume 6: Goliathini (Part 2)

Les Coleopteres Du Monde / The Beetles of the World, Volume 7: Goliathini (Part 3)

Les Coleopteres Du Monde / The Beetles of the World, Volume 9: Cetoniini (Part 1)

Les Morpho d’Amérique du Sud et Centrale, Historique – Morphologie – Systématique

Les Morpho d’Amérique du Sud et Centrale, Tome II, Planches en couleurs es en noir

Les Saturniidae Americains / The Saturniidae of America / Lost Saturniidae Americanos (= Attacidae) CERATOCAMPINAE

Life Nature Library, The Insects

Mariposas De Venezuela (Butterflies of Venezuela)

Mariposas mexicanas : guía para su colecta y determinación